Tuesday, May 20, 2008


I am:
deathly ill right now with a stomach bug!
I know:
tomorrow will be a better day.
I want:
to be sure the kids will not get sick.
I have:
an extremly caring husband.
I wish:
that I didn't have to go back to work.
I hate:
people that try to make me feel inferior to them, and seafood.
I miss:
my best friend in Alabama.
I fear:
Jeff having a heart attack.
I feel:
you don't want me to go into detail here :(
I hear:
Reba on the TV, the dogs next door barking, and the keys on the keyboard.
I smell:
my creme brulee candle on the mantle
I crave:
chicken broth (need the sodium)
I search:
the internet all the time...I am the queen of useless info.
I wonder:
what life will be like with 4 teenagers in highschool at the same time.
I regret:
not finishing college, and caring way too much about what people though of me at that time.
I love:
my family more than i can explain. and my dog who hasn't left my side all day :)
I care:
about my aging parents and worry that when their gone there will be no one to tell me about my childhood, or answer my questions.
I always:
eat pork n beans cold
I believe:
That Blues Traveler is the best band on the face of the earth!!!!!
I dance:
like a PRO! (denial is the first step right?)
I sing:
along with every song I hear. no matter where I am or who I'm with :)
I don’t always:
just let things go like I should
I write:
nothing at all really.
I lose:
weight and then put it right back on :( urgh.....
I never:
wear socks to bed.
I like to listen:
to 80's music.
I can usually be found:
getting coffee somewhere.
I am scared:
of drive through car washes. terrifed is a better word.
I am happy about:
building our home, I can't wait to move in. And that summer is just around the corner...flip flop season!!!!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

goofy pictures and crazy times...sister at heart and partners in crime!

"True friendship isn't about being inseparable, it's about being separated and nothing changes."

This quote truly explains the relationship between my best friend and myself. Although we don't get to talk daily and rarely get to see each other, we both know the other one is there if we need her. :)

(Jessica and I at the ADPi house on the Vandy
campus in Nashville, TN. yes, we know we're dorky!)

Jessica and I met in the spring of 2001 at the ADPi spring rush bar-b-que. We instantly finished each others sentences and had just about everything imaginable in common. It was almost as if God had created 1 person in 2 bodies. We we're inseparable from that first meeting through the rest of the semester. That summer found us talking on the phone, texting, and instant messaging all the time...since we were nine hours away. We then became roomates in the ADPi house for the fall semester....oh the stories we could tell you! :) We both left TAMU in the spring of 2003 for different reasons and ended up in different states doing our own thing. But we always kept in contact. Top my surprise she and her husband showed up at my wedding...just weeks after having their first child. I honestly don't know what made me more happy walking down the stairs...knowing that I was about to marry the man of my dreams or that Jessica was sitting in the audience! After that visit we went several years without seeing each other until I had just had enough. Jeff and I packed all the kids up last July (yes, the twins were only 2 months old for this trip) and headed to Alabama! With just a days notice I let her we were on our way. We had 3 of the best days in Alabama. One of the absolutely amazing things about our friendship is that we now have children close to the same age...instant playmates! Jessica has three beautiful children Emma, Sophie and Connor....all of whom will be partners in crime with my 4...watch out world! Our last visit was more of a miracle witnessing then an actual get together. Jessica's husband Jon received a much needed kidney transplant on April 16th, 2008. I can not even begin to describe what it is like to be in the presence of God performing a miracle! The surgery was a success and his recovery was amazing shorter then expected.

Hopefully one day we will be able to live closer together...or at least in the same state! I can only imagine us going through the raising teenagers phase together and then one day being grandmothers. (oh, lets hope that's a long way away....I need time to think up a cute name to be called, "grandmother" doesn't really suite me.)

(my favorite picture. this was about four hours after surgery....amazing!)

Monday, May 5, 2008

Thanks Kristen!

What Was I Doing Ten Years Ago:

oh...I was 16 years old and fixing (yes, I used the word fixing) to finish up my junior year of high school at good 'ole Mathis High School. And if you want to know where I was at this very minute 10 years ago I'll tell you... I had chemistry every morning with Mr. Salinas. So I can pretty much make a safe bet that at this very minute 10 years ago I was being sent to the office for arguing with Salinas about the unimportance of learing chemistry, and his inabilty to teach us. Yes folks, I was quite the rebel back in the day. But really who uses 6.23X10 to the 23rd power EVERYDAY?

5 Things On My To-Do List Today:
1. Fold laundry.
2. Call about a job interview.
3. Pack, Pack, Pack (anything that isn't absolutely needed is beinging pack.)
4. Order a cake and bounce house (have to do this TODAY.)
5. Change the oil in the Beast.

5 Places I Have Traveled:
1. Gunnison, CO
2. Nasville, TN
3. Miami, FL
4. any Texas border town in Mexico
5. New York

5 Snacks Or Treats I Enjoy:
1. COFFEE (given enough coffee I could rule the WORLD!)
2. Chicken tenders from chicken express
4. Chips & Salsa from Frescos (ok, anything from Frescos!)
5. Mac & Cheese

What Would I Do If I Were A Billionaire:
Well, first I'd hire Dave Ramsey to actually take care of my money so that my money would be making more money the smart way. Then of course I'd pay off all our debts including both our families debts. I do lots of random giving away of money to people and organizations. Pay off our church building note and tithe like crazy. I would also buy some gas stations, grocery stores and resturants, then reduce the prices of the items sold there for lower income people to be able to purchase things. I would also start a homeless shelter that is almost like a college, they would be able to attend class for some sort of degree or certification while living in dorms on campus. I would honestly feel guilty with all that money so I'd get it out of my possesion and into the hands of people that really need it as fast as I could.

Places I've Lived:
Mathis, Texas
Corpus Christi, Texas
Sugar Land, Texas
College Station, Texas
Irving, Texas
Fort Worth, Texas
Gunnison, CO

Jobs I've Had:
Cleaning Hotel rooms at the Econo Lodge in Gunnison, CO
Pharmacy Tech for Care Pharmacy in Mathis, TX
Waitress and Coffee Specialist at Small Planet in Corpus Christi, TX
Sales Manager at Baubles and Beads in Corpus Christi, TX
Retail Sales Manager and Decorater at The Magnolia House in Missouri City, TX
Draws Manager/Legal Assistant at Investwell in Richardson, TX
State Farm in Keller, TX (I really try to block this one out)
and hopefully this line will be filled this week.

People I'm Tagging:
Amber, April, Andy, and anyone else who reads this and thinks it would be fun to do. :)

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Heath Ledger's final role

Sadly, Heath Ledger's untimely death has hit me far harder than Jonathan Brandais, Kurt Cobain, and River Phoenix all rolled together. He was a amazing actor from his beginnings in 10 Things I Hate About You to his Oscar nominated role in Broke Back Mountain (yes, i actually watched this movie...strange but a good movie in it's own right!)

It is so sad to see what life brings and what life can also take away. Who knows how troubled his soul was, or if he was just the victim of prescription drugs that shouldn't mix. Still the fact remains that a young star in the prime of his life and career, with a beautiful 2 year daughter is dead.

My love of my favorite movie, 10 Things I Hate About You will still continue but it will be bittersweet with the knowledge that Heath will never be in another film.

My prayers for his family and his precious daughter Matilda will be just as strong. May this sweet little girl grow up with a loving family and priceless memories of a father who obviously loved her a great deal and hopefully one day she will know the comfort of the true all loving heavenly Father.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

You Might Be a member of the Church of Christ ...

With apologies to Jeff Foxworthy of "Redneck" joke fame, you might be a member of the church of Christ …

• If you know exactly what song I'm talking about when I ask you to turn to number 728b.
• If you could recite all the books of the Bible before you could even read them.
• If you know the first and third verse of nearly every song.
• If you actually know what a "ready recollection" is and have been thoroughly "guide-guard-and-directed" all your life. (If you're really a member, you know that "guide-guard-and-directed" must be followed by "and-bring-us-back-at-the-next-appointed-time.")
• If you think "progressive" refers to those in the church who want a sound system and PowerPoint.
• If you can actually read shape notes.
• If you recognize any of these ministers by first name alone:
• If you think your chosen pew is "sacred" and no one else should sit in your spot.
• If you think the Bible questions on Jeopardy are way too easy.
• If you decide which Bible translation to use based on how Acts 2:38 reads.
• If you immediately reach for your wallet when you hear the phrase, "Now, separate and apart from the Lord's Supper …”
• If you know all the words to all the verses of Trust and Obey.
• If you've ever ridden a JOY bus. (And, of course, you know that JOY stands for "Jesus" first, "Others" second and "Yourself" last.)
• If, when you're happy and you know it, you clap your hands, stomp your feet and say "Amen!"
• If you've ever carried your Bible in an empty casserole dish.
• If you brought that casserole dish to the last fellowship meal, and the main ingredient in it was cream of mushroom soup.
• If you've ever heard a rambunctious young child yell "Pray for me! Pray for me!" as his mother whisked him down the aisle to the foyer.
• If you've ever wondered who Ebon Pinion was.
• If you think the term " church of Christ humor" is an oxymoron.
• If you've ever heard an announcement from the pulpit about a missing puppet.
• If you think the Chronicle is way too liberal.
• If you've ever prayed for those "who are sick of this congregation."
• If you've never been to a church that wasn't named after the street it was on.
• If you think the Chronicle is way too conservative.
• If you've been to a wedding or a funeral where "the invitation" was offered.
• If you've stood for 13 verses of Just As I Am with the last stanza sung softly.

I'm sure some of you can identify with some if not all of what is listed above....no matter where we are, or where we're headed it's always nice to remember where we came from. Please share your thoughts....I'd love to know what this list makes you think of!

Have a great day!!!! :)

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Make it a GREAT '08!

I hate New Years. I always have and am pretty sure I always will. Let me explain: I am a Gemini, and by nature all Geminis are walking contradictions. I however am not only a walking contradiction, I am the inspiration behind the creation of the word "oxy-moron". I am a human ping-pong ball when it comes to decision making; yes, no, yes...no...oh, maybe! I am insanely ocd about some things and yet I could careless about other things (Dave Ramsey classes really exposed this flaw). New Year's has always stressed me out because not only am I an over-achiever, I am also a procrastinator. I have a classic type-A personality and yet I'm one of the most free-spirited people I know....New Year's is the biggest build up/let down of my year. I get so excited about my New Year's resolutions list and how I'm going to attack it come Jan. 1st and then by around the 15th-16th (absolutely no will-power) I have either stopped doing some if not all of my list. Of course my type-A personality can't stand this...and it would just be wrong to up and start my list again...I would need to wait for a big day to restart my desired resolutions...thus my free spirited procrastination personality takes over and says "eh...wait till next New Years to start your list". I'm sure you can see now why I'm absolutely exhausted by this never ending cycle of accomplishing NOTHING!!!! This year I decided to just through my list out there, out into the great wide internet world where anyone and everyone could read it and hold me accountable:

*Finances* (rice and beans/beans and rice)
*This year Jeff and I plan to pay off all of our debt...outside our home and the truck.
*This year I will work extremely hard on my candle business.
*I am not buying a single thing outside of groceries, diapers and gas. Sorry in advance but you'll see me in the same outfits over and over...

*This year I want to grow some near and dear friendships.
*This past year I realized the more you do for people the more they expect you to do...I don't enjoy that. This year I am going to be very careful as to what I allow myself to do, and who I do things with.
*I am so excited about Deidra's wedding in the near future...I can't wait to welcome Randall into our family...ok, a 20 year friendship equals family in my book!

*All I can say is goodbye to the weight I been carrying around for the past 4.5 years. GONE! It will all be gone...I will be back to my pre-Gavin size and body by this time next year. (it's only like 45lbs really...how hard could that be....geez!)
*I really want to go back to being a vegetarian. Now that I've had all my children and stabilized my blood sugar I'd like like to stop eating animal meat as my source of protein. Jeff hates this idea so we'll see how far I get with this one.
*There will be a couple of surgeries/procedures this year...nothing big, you won't even notice, but I will!
*I'd love to get back on the catwalk this year but I'm really slating that for '09, although I wouldn't rule out prints. I'd like to send in Gavin's head shots...the boys got his momma's looks!
*The hair will return...I know I cut it short and it's cute and all, but I miss my hair. Tie me down if you hear me say I'm getting a haircut!

*Goals for the Future*
*Jeff and I are saving for a trip to Mexico this summer we are also saving for our 5 year anniversary next summer. We plan on going to Hawaii and possibly getting "remarried". Strange concept I know..."remarried" but hey, it would be cool to wear "the dress" again say we got married in Hawaii! yes, yes I'm sure you did the math Gavin will be 5 Aug 27th, 2008 and our 5th anniversary isn't until June 26th, 2009.....oops!

These are all pretty simple I know but I tried to stay away from the average "lose weight, hit the gym, spend more time with friends and family". Hopefully I can keep up with this list...if you see me buying, cutting or eating anything...please stop me!


Thursday, December 20, 2007

Killing Christmas...

There is now a sign in my mother's front yard that reads:

"I had beautiful Christmas decorations
for you to enjoy but they were stolen!
Happy Holidays"
Yes, I know it's crazy to think of but my mother's wooden cut-outs of Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus were tossed about her yard and her candy cane was missing! So being the insanely hilarious woman she is...she took the Claus' into the garage, had the above sign made to stick in her front yard and went on with her life. (of course, she drives around with her eyes peeled for her candy cane) What a sad world we live in when you have to worry about your Christmas decorations being stolen!!!!!!
This is it from me till next Wednesday.
Wishing you all the Merriest Christmas...and many Holiday Blessings!
Enjoy life, God is GOOD!!!!